Wednesday 20 May 2015

Los Angeles Votes 14-1 for $15 minimum wage

Los Angeles, wages, salary increase, wage increase, minimum wage

The Los Angeles City Council voted last Tuesday 14-1 in favor of the $15 minimum wage increase, after they hear the statements of residents for and against the plan. There are about 700,000 people earning minimum wage in Los Angeles, the city also has the highest housing costs in the country. Los Angeles will be the 2nd largest city to increase the minimum wage to $15 from $9.

The measure will be sent to the city attorney to prepare a wage ordinance. That ordinance will then go to a council committee and if it get pass it will go to the full council for a final vote and then to Mayor Eric Garcetti.

This will require businesses with more than 25 employees to meet the $15 pay level by 2020, while smaller businesses would have an extra year to comply.

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