Thursday 22 January 2015

Disneyland Hit by measles outbreak

Disneyland, measles, Disneyland park

Disneyland, measles, Disneyland park

Will you bring your kids to Disneyland where there's a measles outbreak? I guess not. Last December a guest with measles may have visited the park in California and may have pass it to other guest when he/she sneezed. It seems that a lot of people in California don't have measles immunization.

According to a news report 70 people have now been infected by the measles outbreak, and public health officials is advising the public to get measles immunization vaccine. They also warned children under 12 and anyone not vaccinated to avoid Disney parks where the outbreak originated.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, “Measles is so contagious that if one person has it, 90% of the people close to that person who are not immune will also become infected.” People who are infected with the disease can spread measles to others from 4 days before to 4 days after the rash appears.

The outbreak has now spread to 5 U.S. States and Mexico, and new infections has emerged last Wednesday with the total infected is now at 70, which includes 5 Disney employees who have since returned to work. 62 of those who are infected are in California.

People at highest risk are those who are not vaccinated, pregnant women, infants under 6 months old, and those with weakened immune systems. Many Americans don't have this immunization since some says that there is a link between the vaccine and autism.

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