Thursday 27 November 2014

Jobless applications In the US jump to 300,000

Jobless, employment, security, money, insurance

Americans are feeling the heat as the number of people seeking U.S. unemployment benefits jump last week to above 300,000, the highest in almost three months.

The Labor Department on a report last Wednesday said the weekly applications went up by 21,000 to 313,000. Making it the highest level since the beginning of September. Using a four-week average which is a less volatile indicator, it went up by 6,250 to 294,000.

This increase will not cause any concerns about the overall status of the job market. Some of it were due to seasonal layoffs in business sectors that are affected by cold weather like construction. Claims were under 300,000 for 10 weeks consecutively, which is not the normal level this shows that companies are laying off less workers.

The jobless rate fell to 5.8%, this is the lowest in 6 years, down from 7.2% last year.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Mother Billed $950,000 for Child Birth in the US

health insurance, health insurance denied, Blue cross

Is giving birth in the US this expensive? Toronto Sun reported about Jennifer Huculak from Saskatchewan, Canada has been billed $950,000 by a hospital in the United States for giving birth to her daughter. This happened last year October 2013, Jennifer was pregnant and having vacation with her husband Darren Kimmel in Hawaii. Then her water broke, she was airlifted from Maui to a nearby hospital in Honolulu, Huculak and was confined in the hospital for 6 weeks before giving birth to a premature baby girl named Reece. She gave birth through an emergency C-section and her child was in neonatal intensive care unit for two months before they were able to leave the hospital.

Saskatchewan Blue Cross, her insurance company said that her coverage had been denied because of a pre-existing condition that the company said that can result to high-risk pregnancy. The doctors who operated her told the insurance company that the pregnancy was healthy but still got denied.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber: We Lied About Obamacare, American voters are Stupid

Obamacare lie, Obama lied, Gruber lied, Jonathan Gruber, Jonathan Gruber scandal, Jonathan Gruber video

MIT professor and an Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber video clip was uploaded on Youtube in which he said that Obamacare is designed fool people and he also claim that the American voters are stupid. The video was posted by AmericanCommitment. It was taken during a panel discussion at the University of Pennsylvania in October, 2013.

Gruber said, "This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. Basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really critical to getting the thing to pass."

"In terms of riskrated subsidies, if you had a law which explicitly said that healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed,". "You can't do it politically, you just literally cannot do it. It's not only transparent financing but also transparent spending."

If the Democrats lied about this what else did they lie about? I don't think people can trust them again.

Here is a Second Jonathan Gruber video calling Americans stupid

Saturday 8 November 2014

Affordable Care Act or the Obamacare is Heading to a Large Number of Dropouts

Affordable Care Act or the Obamacare is Heading to a Large Number of Dropouts, Obamacare, no Obamacare, false

A survey from Bankrate shows that about 51% of people who enrolled in Obamacare last year using exchanges said that they would not enroll again on 2015. The reason is the prices for health plans are much higher and they can no longer afford it.

Reasons for this could be a lot people have work and they are already receiving health care benefits, old people that are now into Medicare, and many found out that the high deductibles and an average of 6% increase in premiums is just too high. The survey also shows that another reason for people to forego enrolling in 2015 is the bug ridden website.

The 2nd open enrollment season for the Obamacare will start on November 15, 2014, it will run for only 3 months about half the time as before. Officials are testing the site to ensure it can handle the demand. The biggest challenge now is getting people to sign up, which is why Health officials will change their pitch, last time they promoted it using the benefits of insurance. Now they are planning to focus more on the financial assistance available to consumers and the penalty for not having coverage. Those without insurance will be fined $325 per person or 2% of income, whichever is larger. This is like the big fat government is bullying and scaring people and force them Obamacare.

Monday 3 November 2014

Cancer Patient Go Through with her Doctor Assisted Suicide

Cancer Patient, Brittany Maynard, death law, death with dignity law, assisted suicide

29 Year-old Brittany Maynard took her own life using Oregon’s death with dignity law. She ended her life Saturday by swallowing lethal drugs prepared by her doctors. She became the focus of public and media attention when she and her husband publicized that they transferred from Northern California to Portland, Oregon to exercise the Oregon law. She said that she planned to die on November 1.

Maynard ceased her suffering from a very painful brain cancer right on schedule, despite hinting at a possible delay in a video released last week.

Rest in Peace Brittany!