Tuesday 30 September 2014

Forbes: Bill Gates richest Person in the US

Bill Gates, richest person in the US, richest in the US, money

Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder topped the Forbes "Richest People In America 2014" it is his 21st consecutive year in a row with a net worth of $81 billion.

According to Forbes it the 2014 list was another record year for American wealth, since the aggregate net worth of the richest 400 Americans reached $2.29 trillion, it has increased by $270 billion from last year.

This years minimum net worth to be included in the list is pretty high at $1.55 billion and because of this some 113 American billionaires failed to be listed.

Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway got the number 2 spot on the 400 with accumulated wealth of $67 billion. Larry Ellison, CEO and founder of software firm Oracle is in number 3 with $50 billion net worth. The fourth spot was a tie between brother Charles and David Koch who both got $42 billion apiece.

Christy Walton widow of John Walton who is one of the sons of the founder of Walmart Sam Walton is on 6th spot with $38 billion. Her husband John died in a plane crash. Michael Bloomberg the former New York Mayor is on 8th with $35 billion net worth.

Facebook cofounder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is raking in money he is now the 11th richest person in the U.S. and the biggest earner his money increased by $15 billion since last year to $34 billion.

Top 10 Richest People In America 2014 List

1. Bill Gates $81 billion
2. Warren Buffett $67 billion
3. Larry Ellison $50 billion
4. Charles Koch $42 billion
4. David Koch $42 billion
6. Christy Walton & family $38 billion
7. Jim Walton $36 billion
8. Michael Bloomberg $35 billion
9. Alice Walton $34.9 billion
10. S. Robson Walton $34.8 billion

Full List: http://www.forbes.com/forbes-400/

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Wal-Mart spokesman David Tovar after the Company learned He lied about his Resume

Wal-Mart spokesman David Tovar, David Tovar lied, David Tovar liar

David Tovar will soon be the former Wal-Mart's vice president of corporate communications, last week he wrote a message "Farewell" with the message that he was leaving the company after 8 years of service and that he is a better person and better professional with the experience that he gain from the company, and he said that "I am leaving on good terms and Walmart has been very supportive. I am still here a few more weeks." But it turns out the reason he is leaving is because he lied about his resume. So kids remember this, it's not good lying specially about your resume. It will haunt you someday. Tovar lied about graduating from the University of Delaware in 1996.

In an interview with CNBC, he insist that it was a résumé error and it was discovered when he was under assessment that is a regular process when being promoted to senior vice president.

"As part of that process I was going through additional leadership assessment, including a battery of tests including questions about leadership, drug tests, background checks. In the background check my education was flagged—it was done by a third party company. They asked me about it, and I was 100 percent transparent."

"I got a job and never looked back. I really didn't think an art degree would matter in communications, which was the field I went into."

"Wal-Mart said they could not promote me based on what they found. I said that the more senior job is the one that what I wanted, so we agreed I would leave. I am leaving on good terms and Walmart has been very supportive. I am still here a few more weeks."

Thursday 11 September 2014

9/11 Anniversary

9/11 Anniversary
9/11 Anniversary

Let's remember the people who died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and remember the people who serve our country for our freedom!

The United States mark the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attack. The National September 11 Museum features artifacts and graphic photos of the attacks, which is now open to the public.

Family members of those who lose loveones in the attack will be gathering on the grounds to read the names of the deceased which is a yearly event. The roll call will pause four times to mark the times when the 1st passenger plane hit the World Trade Center, then the 2nd plane struck. The 3rd pause is for when the 1st tower fell and the last when the second tower fell.

The memorial plaza will be closed to the public for most of the day and available only to family members. It will reopen at 6 p.m., at which point thousands of New Yorkers are expected to mark the anniversary at the twin reflecting pools where the towers once stood.